We are the front-runner in the supply of certified responsible soya into the European market and will continue this role in the years to come.
the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil
the Round Table on Responsible Soy
the newly formed UK Round Table
Via these platforms, producers, trade organisations, customers and non governmental organisations work together to develop sustainability criteria for the production of palm and soy products.
This program promotes the importance and opportunities of certified responsible soy in the supply chain. This gives us the opportunity to create awareness, select the right partners and organize sustainable chains.
In 2006 we organized the first shipment of certified responsible soya into Europe, together with Dutch cooperative Campina.
In the years after that, we became the key partner for different initiatives, such as the Dutch Foundation for Responsible Soy Chain Transition.
We started the Certified Responsible Soy standard, together with Control Union. This is a zero-deforestation and zero-conversion standard.
Together with the Belgian compound feed association (BEMEFA) we worked on the certification of responsible soy.
Our knowledge of certified flows can also be of great value for the development of other raw materials. Therefore we are investigating the opportunities of a similar program for other feed raw materials. For example, certified responsible palm kernel expellers.
Of course, the involvement of our partners is crucial in this process. Therefore, we support our partners to endorse our initiative to establish the maximum integrity of the supply chain and to safeguard sustainable raw material flows.